What I do for a living



I buy and sell Real Estate for a private investment Corporation, and I will be doing Commercial and Residential Mortgages.

Nothing is more satisfying than helping a family get out of a property that they can't sell using a real estate agent. They sell to me for many reasons.

They are being:

As you can see the word FAST is the magic word here. And I can buy and sell there property in 30 days or less, and if I can't sell it, it can't be sold.  NO SHIT.  For the people that are behind in their payments I can save their credit so no foreclosure will be on it.

As far as selling the property, that's easy.   Come buy a house from me and see how easy it is... (psssssstttttttt you don't have to have good credit to buy the house from me either)  Want to know why?

If there is a loan secured against the property when I bought it, I will walk you into that loan taking over the balance of that loan making the same payments the seller did...and same interest rate. NO QUALIFYING!!  No gimmick, No games. HEY its my job.. and I do it every day. Nothing is more rewarding helping people get out from under their property and good people, who normally can't qualify, become a homeowner. Would you buy a home from me?  LOL that's ok....I'm not selling you one. Just telling you what I do. 

As far as the Commercial and Residential Mortgages go. I have been involved with doing them for over two years.  Now I will get paid big bucks for doing them.  I have a great company in Los Angeles that likes the way I deal with my clients and handle my business, that's offered me a wonderful job teaching what I have been doing for the last 4 years.

Well, what do you think so far?  Am I boring you to death so far?  HEHE Sorry.  What can I say I love my job and the people that I get to meet and I end up making good friends.  MY old boss was always amazed that on Christmas and my Birthday, that my clients would send me presents (they never sent him presents).  And they just call to say hi to me after I helped them.

I must say that 50% of my business is from past clients referring their friends and family to me. I do care about people and will do everything in my power to help them and if I can't help I will find someone who can. I think Customer service is a very important thing in any business.

BUT.. I will say one thing and that is, you know the saying that the "Customer is always right"? WELL, that is not true. And I will tell my clients that too. I cut to the skinny all the time and lay it on the table about how it is and how it can be. I never bull shit and beat around the bush. Clients do not like that and can tell when you are bullshitting them. You tell me, do you like to be given a story or the truth? And I do that in my private life too.

OKAY OKAY......Enough of the thick stuff.


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